Shred your resume and build your career with Do Not Apply

Tired of job hunting feeling like a one-way street?

We’re flipping the script.

We put the power back in your hands, matching you with companies that align with your unique experience and your personal values.

Stop sending in endless applications to companies that just aren't the right fit. With Do Not Apply, it's a win-win: you find fulfilling work, and companies discover the perfect addition to their team.

Just sign up for an account and wait for the conversations to start flowing. It’s that easy.

Shredding the paper ceiling — one job posting at a time

Stop wasting time applying to endless jobs

Say goodbye to the days of endlessly scrolling through job boards and submitting countless applications. With Do Not Apply, you can focus your energy on what truly matters — showcasing your skills and experience to the right companies.

Indicate job interest and track companies you’re interested in

Take control of your job search. Express your interest in specific roles and keep tabs on companies that resonate with your career goals. Our platform allows you to proactively engage with potential employers, ensuring you never miss out on the perfect opportunity.

Find job opportunities that match your skillset + values

We believe in finding the perfect fit— not just for your skills, but also for your values. Our intelligent matching system connects you with companies that share your principles and appreciate your unique background, fostering a fulfilling and long-lasting professional relationship.

Currently supporting the following roles:

  • Software Developers / Engineers

    • Full Stack

    • Back End

    • Front End

    • Mobile

    • DevOps

    • Data Engineering

  • Sales Professionals

    • Sales Representative

    • Account Executive

    • Account Managers

    • Business Development Rep

    • Business Development Executive

    • Business Development Associate

    • Business Development Manager

    • Inside Sales Rep

    • Sales Development

    • Sales Manager

    • Sales Operations

    • Sales Coordinator

    • Sales Associate

We’re in early access! Get notified when we add your role to our database. (It’s coming soon!)

Ready to build your career? It’s free for candidates.